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RDM: 300 users, 300 collections, and 3000 records

POLiS' own Kadi4Mat instance has now reached more than 300 users, 300 collections, and 3000 records! The Research Data Management team held several workshops on RDM and Kadi4Mat in 2024, which were…


Call: POLiS Award of Excellence for Female Researchers

Apply now for the POLiS Award of Excellence for Female Researchers! The award is given annually to an outstanding female early and mid-career researcher working in one of the scientific topics of the…


Workshop "From Bystander to Upstander"

The Workshop "From Bystander to Upstander" took place at Ulm University on 10 December 2024.


Workshop "From Bystander to Upstander"

Register Now! Fostering a culture of respect and inclusion in the workplace: Bystanders—those who witness situations where harm, discrimination, or injustice occur—have a unique opportunity to make a…


POLiS visits Leclanché

Close interaction between researchers and industry partners is essential to ensure that research is applied and relevant to industry. The Technology Transfer team therefore organises a series of…


POLiS PhD Till Ortmann receives poster award

POLiS doctoral researcher Till Ortmann was awarded a poster prize at the 5th International Symposium on Sodium Batteries in Berlin.


POLiS Phd Student David Burger receives Ed Cohen Travel Award

The ISCSTs Ed Cohen Travel Award has been granted to POLiS employee David Burger (KIT-TFT) to present his research about the processing and structural optimization of Sodium-Ion-Battery (SIB)…


5th International Symposium on Magnesium Batteries (MagBatt V) in Ulm

The 5th International Symposium on Magnesium Batteries (MagBatt V) took place from September 18 to 20, 2024 in Ulm, Germany. Again, we welcomed some of the world's top speakers on multivalent…


POLiS PhD David Schäfer awarded with Rowland and Christine Hill Award

David Schäfer, POLIS PhD in the group of Professor Marcus Rohnke at Justus Liebig University Giessen, received the Rowland and Christine Hill Award at the 24th International Conference on Secondary…


POLiS PI Prof. Dr. Wilhelm Schabel awarded with the Tallmadge Award 2024

The Tallmadge Award recognizes an individual's significant contributions to coating technology and scientific and honors international outstanding individuals awarded bi-annually by the International…


Successful research stay as part of the POLiS Award of Excellence

Since being awarded the POLiS Award of Excellence for Female Researchers, Guimoar Hernández, Assistant Professor at Uppsala University, has been working closely with the group of Dr. Fabian Jeschull…


POLiS PI invited speaker at International Summer School

POLiS PI apl. Prof. Dr. Christine Kranz has been invited to speak at the XXX Summer School „Nicolás Cabrera“ Energy Storage Systems to face the Climate Challenge: Sustainable development of Li ion…

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