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Graduate School EES

PhD students doing their research in the framework of POLiS automatically take part in the Graduate School Electrochemical Energy Storage.

  • The GS-EES addresses the full, community-spanning spectrum of electrochemical energy storage and conversion, from fundamental science to processing and application
  • The GS-EES offers a comprehensive education and training program in these areas, emphasizing interdisciplinary aspects
  • The GS-EES is committed to offer professional skills training
Studierende Hörsaal Heiko Grandel

POLiS funds about 60 PhD students.

The GS-EES operates within the Center for Electrochemical Energy Storage CELEST.

Research fields are Li-ion batteries, post Li batteries, fuel cells, etc.

The GS-EES offers:

  • An interdisciplinary block course Materials, Funcitoning and Technology of Batteries
  • An Annual Summer School
  • Workshops on scientific or method-related topics
  • Professional skills training in the fields of scientific communication, management, good scientific practice and equal opportunities
  • Three-month research stay abroad

Please visit the GS-EES Website for further information.

Important Links


Equal opportunities

The members of the Cluster and the board are strongly committed to ensure equal career opportunity irrespective of gender, age, origin, personal background and religion.

Zwei Forschende am Computer Elvira Eberhardt
Forscherin Fritz Beck
Vortrag Daniel Messling
Forscherin Tanja Meißner
Forscherin Elvira Eberhardt

Our aims are:

  • Creating an accepting, inclusive and diverse culture, which fosters inclusion and interculturality within the Cluster
  • Raising awareness of equality and diversity and the impact of unconscious bias through various programs
  • Achieving equal opportunities for women and men at all levels of the Cluster
  • Raising the number of women at all qualification levels and especially in leadership positions
  • Compatibility of family and career

For doing this, we will implement Cluster-specific measures and at the same time make use of established structures and instruments at Ulm University and Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT),  such as personnel development and diversity management units, monitoring of hiring procedures, initiatives for reconciliation of work and family life, and various mentoring and coaching programs.

Proportion of women in POLiS

  • 28,0 % Female Principle Investigators
  • 40,0 % Spokeswomen of Research Units
  • 37,5 % Female Representatives of the General Assembly

Nationalities in POLiS

  • 23 different nationalities
  • 30 % researchers from other countries

Important Links

POLiS Award of Excellence for Female Researchers

The POLiS Award of Excellence for Female Researchers is given annually to an outstanding female early and mid-career researcher working in one of the scientific topics of the POLiS Cluster. It entails up to 70,000 € for one or several research stays at one of POLiS participating institutions (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Ulm University, the Centre for Solar Energy and Hydrogen Research Baden-Württemberg (ZSW) and University of Giessen) to establish and strengthen international collaborations.

Further information on the application and selection process as well as previous awardees can be found here.




Symposium for Women in STEM Field

Interdisciplinary Symposium for Women in STEM Field. The free virtual event on March 30-31 will address the question "Working digitally - curse or blessing?".


Women in Electrochemistry

Open access article on "Perspective—A League of Our Own: A Perspective on How to Start and Keep the Flow of Women in Energy Storage" by Guiomar Hernández and Adriana M. Navarro-Suárez in Journal of…


Call: POLiS Award of Excellence for Female Researchers

The POLiS Award of Excellence for Female Researchers is given annually to an outstanding female early and mid-career researcher working in one of the scientific topics of the POLiS Cluster. It entails…


International Day against Violence against Women

As part of the International Day against Violence against Women various actors at KIT will be available to advise and support all those who are confronted with sexual violence on November 25, 2021. Of…


First battery workshop with focus on female researchers

POLiS hosted the 1st international virtual workshop "Post-Lithium Research: Women in Focus" on July 27-28. For the first time worldwide, an event on battery research put a special focus on the work of…


Körber Prize goes to Clare Grey

British chemistry professor Clare Grey (Univ. Cambride), plenary speaker at our workshop "Post-Li Research: Women in Focus," receives the one million euro Körber Prize for European Science 2021.


Workshop: Post-Lithium Research - Women in Focus

POLiS hosts an international virtual workshop to highlight the role of women in state-of-the-art Post-Li energy storage research. The workshop will cover various topics from fundamental material and…


Women in STEM Who Changed the World

Who are the Women in STEM who changed the world through science, technology, engineering and mathematics?


Women in Battery Research

On the occasion of the International Day of Women and Girls in Science​, five of our female researchers from different disciplines came together to talk about their experiences during their studies…


Margret Wohlfahrt-Mehrens receives battery award

Dr. Margret Wohlfahrt-Mehrens has been awarded one of the most prestigious international battery prizes. The International Battery Materials Association (IBA) honored her with the Technology Award…


POLiS honors two female researchers

POLiS is proud to announce for the first time, the awardees for the Equal Opportunity Award of the Cluster. Due to COVID-19 situation, the board of POLiS and a selection committee has selected two…


Dr. Anjass receives Südwestmetall sponsorship award

Dr. Montaha Anjass, an associate fellow of POLiS, is one of eight young scientists from Baden-Württemberg to receive the €5,000 sponsorship award from the Südwestmetall employers' association. Anjass…

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