Abstract Submission - Oral & Poster

Guidelines and Rules for Submission of Abstracts
Please read the submission rules before submitting an abstract.
- All abstract submitters must be fully registered
- The presenting author is required to ensure that all co-authors are aware of the content of the abstract before submission.
- The presenting author must be listed as the first author.
- All abstracts accepted for presentation will be published in a Book of Abstracts for the Conference.
- Your abstract is not successfully submitted until you receive a confirmation e-mail after clicking the submit button below. If you do not receive a confirmation e-mail, please contact us.
- Abstracts must be allocated to the subject of multivalent batteries (subtopics: electrolytes and additives, electrode interfaces, cathodes, anodes, modelling, systems.)
- Author and co-authors' details: Full first and family name, Affiliation details: department, institution, city, country
- Abstract title - limited to 20 words in UPPER CASE in Arial font, size 18
- Abstract text – limited to 250 words in Arial font, size 11
- References are not obligatory and word count is affected by inclusion of references.
- Please submit the abstract as pdf
Deadline for Abstracts (oral) 21.07.2024
Deadline for Abstracts (posters) 31.07.2024
End of Registration 08.09.2024