POLiS Seminar | Sabine Mariss

In February we will have a special POLiS Seminar given by Sabine Mariss devoted to a topic of the field "Diversity, Equity, Inclusion".
The title of her talk will be "Communicate constructively with the help of non-violent communication".


Constructive communication

A practical guide to successful interactions in your workplace

The way you conduct conversations with your colleagues, superiors, students and not least yourself has a strong influence. In many cases, it even determines the success or failure of projects and can influence your well-being immensely.

In this one-hour interactive talk, I will introduce you to Marshall Rosenberg's model of “non-violent communication”. You will receive concrete advice on how to improve your communication skills to increase your effectiveness, avoid time-consuming misunderstandings and limit unintended damage in challenging conversations.


  • How to prepare for a challenging conversation
  • How to give and accept critical feedback
  • How to find win-win solutions more easily
  • How to deal with difficult conversation partners

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